Welcome to BLaNADEdb (Biomedical Literature and New Reported Adverse Drug Event database) : On this site, you can access new entry ADEs (Adverse Drug Events, whose each of them is consisted of a drug and an adverse event-AE- pairs) that have never been found untill now in our system with PubMed offering the ciations of biomedical literature published on a daily basis, in order to everyday update your knowledge about ADEs.

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[abbreviations] DRUG: drug MeSH term causing some adverse event MeSH term. / AE: AE (Adverse Event) MeSH term caused by some drug MeSH term. / PMID: PubMed Unique Identifier which is the link of the citation / Pred.Auth.score: Predicted Auth score which predicts if or not the adverse drug event pair is new based on the author's argument / MeSH.score: MeSH score which classifies adverse drug event pairs by the new combinations of drug MeSH terms and adverse event MeSH terms or not. / MHDA:MeSH term Indexing Date to citations of adverse drug event pairs which is used as extraction date / EDAT: Entrez Date whose citation of adverse drug event pair was registered to PubMed)

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